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Gimme one more chance!

Team Obama is now faced with the dilemma of all presidents seeking a second term: the need to come up with a new slogan. Obviously, "Change we can believe in" works for a challenger but not an incumbent. Ronald Reagan brilliantly solved the dilemma. For his first run, against Jimmy Carter, he asked, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" For his re-election bid, it was "Morning in America." Other attempts at the second-turn swivel weren't so hot. George W. Bush went from "Compassionate conservatism" to "Yes, America can." Can what?

The folks over at Hot Air are having a little fun coming up with proposals for second-run bumper sticker slogans, my favorite of which is above. Right now, the presiden'ts bumper stickers just say, "Obama 2012." All things considered, maybe they should just go with that.


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