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Footprints in the sand

It's loony tune time at the Dunes:

A suspected Bigfoot sighting a little more than three years ago in the environs of Indiana Dunes State Park (IDSP) has led Animal Planet’s Bigfoot Finders to Duneland.

The episode of Finding Bigfoot will air at 9 p.m. Sunday, March 4, on Animal Planet.

IDSP Property Manager Brandt Baughman told the Chesterton Tribune today that footage was taped over the course of two days, Nov. 5-6, 2011, nearly three years to the day after a Duneland man posted his videotape of the sighting to YouTube.

The story notes that the video in question "is not of the highest quality" (you don't say!) but "does capture a humanoid form walking through the undergrowth." Maybe I shouldn't be so amused by this, since I, too, have seen a humanoid form walking through the undergrowth. Come to think of it, I've been a humanoind form walking trhough the undergrowth. Furthmore, most of my friends are humanoid forms.

All these lunatics who claimed to have spotted Bigfoot, UFOs, the Loch Ness monster, the Abominable Snowman and God knows what else were moderately amusing when film technology was still primitive and so much of the footage was obviously faked (and poorly at that). But now we have cheap digital photography and videography available to all, and there are millions and millions of sharp images online of everything imaginable, and still the photos and video of all these phenomena are poorly focused and hard to make out. C'mon, guys. If there were really evidence after all this time, it would have been found already, OK?


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