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Something to consider

Everyone has heard the saying, ``Couldn't do that if you tried.'' Maybe that's the key to the Komets breaking out of this strange overtime/shootout pattern they are in. They have played seven consecutive home games that have gone to overtime or a shootout, nine of their last 13 games overall. This is maybe the strangest thing I've seen in two decades-plus of covering the team.

Maybe they should start tonight's game by TRYING to end in a tie so they go to an overtime or a shootout.

But that's ludicrous, you say? After seeing the perplexed faces in the locker room after the game, it can't be any more ludicrous than what they are already going through. They literally have so many different answers to what's going on that they have none.

Maybe this would be a way to get them to QUIT thinking about it. All they are doing now is living through a self-fulfilling prophecy. This would be the ultimate in reverse psychology, something Ken Ullyot would have tried as coach.


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