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For the "With friends like these . . ." file:


“He’s got to run against who he is.” This was the verdict on Republican Senator Richard Lugar from one of the activists attending a Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) national conference in Washington, D.C. last week. The group used to be known as the World Federalist Association but dropped the name because of the taint associated with promoting world government.

[. . .]

The World Federalist Association had openly stated that a “world federation,” a euphemism for world government, can be achieved by advancing “step by step toward global governance” through establishing new U.N.-associated entities such as the International Criminal Court and by passing measures like the Law of the Sea Treaty. One of its main priorities is “To provide the U.N. with sustained and independent sources of funding.” That is, global taxes.

I doubt if Lugar is really a one-world-government type, but the type of across-the-aisle collaboration he favors has certainly led to the growh of government in general, which is one step in that "step by step" process. And he knows the perception out here is that he is too "moderate," so he's trying to sound more conservative in a way he didn't use to worry about.



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