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Too bad, Hoosiers. Michigan showed some common sense for a change by joining the parade we started in allowing residents to shoot off more types of fireworks:

The wider variety of fireworks for sale in Michigan is expected to translate into $8 million to $10 million annually for the state, according to state Rep. Harold Haugh, D-Roseville, one of the bill's sponsors. The money comes from the licensing fees ($600 for a temporary site, $1,000 for a permanent one), 6% sales tax and a 6% fireworks safety fee. The fee will be used for firefighter training.

"It was all about jobs, the economy, increasing our tax revenues, utilizing vacant buildings," he said, adding that stopping the interstate smuggling also was behind it. "Why should we fund Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin with Michigan tax dollars when we can keep the money here?"

Some retailers in neighboring states are bracing for a decline in business.

"We'll probably be 5%-10% down," said Mike Kmetz, manager of Rocket Fireworks in Michigan City, Ind. "I'm not like 'whoo-hoo' about it, but it is what it is. You can't do nothing about it."

Quick, we need an end to Sunday liquor sales to get back at them! But we don't have to get like whoo-hoo about it.


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