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Sorta, kinda deadly

Letter to the editor in The Journal Gazette calling tasers "deadly weapons" and saying Wells County police were wrong to use one in a specific case. (The letter writer goes on to criticize the sheriff for trying the case "in the court of public opinion," like, oh, you know, the letter writer is doing.)

An opinion piece in the Bluffton paper sort of apoligizing for running a letter to the editor calling tasers deadly weapons, a position the paper does not agree with. (It's worrisome, by the way, that somebody who writes for a newspaper would admit to picking up other newspapers to "take a peak" at what topics the letters to the editor cover.)

An honest description would probably call tasers "potentially deadly weapons." There have been some deaths because of them, but certainly not as many as the ones caused by guns, and the whole point of tasers is to be able to use less-than-lethal force when warranted.

Posted in: Hoosier lore


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