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An uncanny foul-up

Girls All the stories about the horrible misidentification of two of the Taylor Univerity crash victims -- the one they thought was in a coma is really dead, and the one they thought was really dead has been in a coma -- say the same thing: The two bore an uncanny resemblance to each other. “Their body types are similar, their hair color and texture, their facial features, etc.,” the family said.

As if that explains it. But wouldn't their "uncanny resemblance" be a reason to make damn sure of their identification in the first place? Why in the world are they just now using dental records to make sure of which one was buried and which one was lingering in a coma? It doesn't even appear from their Taylor photos that they look that much alike. The Grant County coroner's office has some explaining to do to a couple of families in turmoil.

Posted in: Hoosier lore


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