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Try harder

Talk about a tough critic:

There are coaches who are hard to please, and then there is Charlestown (Ind.) High head football coach Jason Hawkins.

On Friday, Hawkins' Pirates team rolled past Madison (Ind.) High by a final score of 67-14. That's a 53-point victory, and the game was as one-sided as it sounds. Still, Hawkins wasn't happy. In fact, after the game he tore into his team's performance, telling the Jeffersonville News & Tribune that most of the Pirates' squad had underperformed … except the defense.

"Our special teams need work, we have to get better blocking. Our offensive line has to play better," Hawkins said, noting that Leighton Brewer was the exception. "But our defense played well. At least, there's that."

Evidently a 53-point walloping isn't good enough for Hawkins. If his team was that impressive on a bad night, imagine how much they should win by on a good outing?

The thing is, I don't doubt him. When we find ourselves seriously unchallenged by unworthy opponents (as this team obviously was), that's when we're most likely to do less than our best. That makes it harder to gear up and give our all the next time we face a worthy opponent. "If his team was that impressive on a bad night, imagine how much they should win by on a good outing?" That misses the whole point.


Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports


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