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It's good to be Jim Irsay

The Stadium Authority vs. NK Hurst Co. case -- watched closely by all of us eminent-domain foes -- has ended with a settlement. Mike Kole isn't that thrilled with the deal:

The Stadium Authority made no concession whatsoever. What are they giving up? If the project costs more due to needing to build a parking garage, it won't cost the members of the Authority a penny. It will cost the taxpayers. Of course, it this were a private project as it should have been from the get-go, the taxpayers wouldn't be paying a penny, either.

In a sick way, the Colts may even make more money on a garage. They already get a portion of the proceeds from the lot. They will probably get a portion from the garage, too. What about if the garage is used for non-football events? Man, it's good to be Jim Irsay!

Kole, who lives in Fishers, is the Libertarian candidate for secretary of state. He has written extensively about eminent-domain abuse on his blog.

Posted in: Hoosier lore


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