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The best. Ever

As someone who thoroughly enjoyed every game of that remarkable season, I'd have to say I agree:

ATLANTA — Everybody agrees, the 1975-76 undefeated Indiana Hoosiers were the greatest single-season team in the history of college basketball.

The Hoosiers, represented Friday by Bob Knight, Jim Crews, Tom Abernethy, Bobby Wilkerson, Scott May, Kent Benson and Quinn Buckner, were voted as the best-ever by NCAA.com, the United States Basketball Writers Association and sports information directors.

And if May hadn't broken his arm, the '74-'75 team would have gone undefeated as well. Lord, that would have been something. Knight told those players to think beyond winning the Big 10 or even the NCAA tournament. He told them to think of perfection -- that's how good the team was.

And it ain't been done since. It would be tough these days mostly because the allure of the NBA is so great that the same players aren't together long enough to get as good as that '75-'76 team.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports


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