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Leading by example

A Louisville Courier-Journal editorial, which is appalled at "the gross political failure that is dooming Kentucky's entire highway system to growing inadequacy and neglect," has strong words of praise for Indiana's ability to get the job done:

The scope of this political failure has been brought into high relief by the political honesty and courage being displayed elsewhere, and nowhere more so than in Kentucky's neighbor to the north, Indiana.

There, Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels had the guts to tell Hoosiers the same hard truths Kentuckians need to hear:

First, the state's ambitious road plans were largely lies because there wasn't anywhere near enough money to build them. Second, coming up with that money, quickly and in a big way, is an absolute economic necessity if both urban and rural areas are to capitalize on the logistics and distribution opportunities their state's central location offers.

Mr. Daniels also had the guts to propose -- and the Republican legislature this week found the guts to pass -- some highly controversial ways to raise that money.

Posted in: Hoosier lore


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