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Stay-at-home reps

And then, of course, they could campaign full-time:

A freshman House Democrat filed a resolution Friday that would allow members of Congress to vote remotely on bills from their home districts.

Rep. Eric Swalwell's (D-Calif.) proposal for a mobile Congress would amend House rules so lawmakers can take care of business using the latest communication technologies, including video conferencing.

Swalwell, whose district is located just north of the heart of Silicon Valley, hopes the amendment will update how Congress works and allow lawmakers to spend more time at home with their constituents.

So call it the congressional telecommuting and incumbent protection proposal. And what they hell. They don't even read the bills they vote on and merely shout slogans at eachother instead of having reald sicussions, so it's not like constituents actually gain something from their time in Washington. And there is something to be said for being able to keep a closer watch on the bastards.


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