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Drop that phone, dirtbag

Getting scarier all the time:

If the police arrest you, do they need a warrant to rifle through your cellphone? Courts have been split on the question. Last week the Obama administration asked the Supreme Court to resolve the issue and rule that the Fourth Amendment allows warrantless cellphone searches.

[. . .]

In a petition filed earlier this month asking the Supreme Court to hear the case, the government argues that the First Circuit’s ruling conflicts with the rulings of several other appeals courts, as well as with earlier Supreme Court cases. Those earlier cases have given the police broad discretion to search possessions on the person of an arrested suspect, including notebooks, calendars and pagers. The government contends that a cellphone is no different than any other object a suspect might be carrying.

But as the storage capacity of cellphones rises, that position could become harder to defend. Our smart phones increasingly contain everything about our digital lives: our e-mails, text messages, photographs, browser histories and more. It would be troubling if the police had the power to get all that information with no warrant merely by arresting a suspect.

"Everything about our digital lives" indeed. The Fourth Amendment guarantees us security in our perons, houses, papers and effects. I don't think the meaning of "papers" changes just because they are now likely to be digital. The fact somebody is arrested shouldn't give the government blanket permission to rummage through a person's entire life, which is what our cellphones are going to end up being.


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