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Inmates made obscene gestures? Whoda think it?

MUNCIE, Indiana — A large jail in central Indiana now has a frosted film over its cell windows after years of troubles with inmates communicating and sometimes making obscene gestures to people outside.

The film placed over the Delaware County Jail's windows last week allows daylight into the cells, but prevents inmates from seeing out, Sheriff Mike Scroggins told The Star Press (http://tspne.ws/17NpR4i ).

It has been a common site since the jail opened in 1992 to see friends and family members of inmates signaling or writing sidewalk messages to them. Inmates have also sometimes made lewd gestures or exposed themselves to passersby in downtown Muncie.

Prediction: The ACLU of Indiana will file a suit alleging the inmates' First Amendment rights are being violated? Anybody want to bet against it?


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