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Pro-choice delusions

Dana Milbank, one of the Washington Post's condescending liberal (but I repeat myself) pundits, considers Wednesday's March for Life in Washington and takes a delusional turn:

Year after year, antiabortion faithful assemble for the march, yet their goal is elusive. Gallup found last year that 26 percent thought abortion should be legal in any circumstance, 20 percent said it should be illegal in all cases, and 52 percent thought it should be legal in certain circumstances. In 1975, those numbers were 21, 22 and 54, respectively.

[. . .]

But long before they make abortion illegal, Republicans will make themselves irrelevant, by choosing abortion bills over jobs bills and by validating Democratic claims of a GOP “war on women.” (Not one woman among the House Judiciary Committee Republicans made abortion legislation the year’s first order of business.)

Yeah, you stupid Republicans. America doesn't care about that silly old abortion issue. Move on to something important!

But let's look at another poll:

More than four decades after the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, the vast majority of Americans are still very uncomfortable with the reality of widespread abortion in the United States.

A new survey of Americans finds strong support for abortion restrictions – including among those who identify as “strongly pro-choice.” Eighty-four percent of Americans would limit abortion to, at most, the first three months of pregnancy, with 58 percent of strongly pro-choice Americans supporting such limits.

Get that? A whopping 84 percent favor significant abortion restrictions, including 58 pecent of the "strongly pro-choice." The fact is that Americans are strongly troubled by abortion and are not likely to consider politicians proposing restrictiins "irrelevant."

I heard Charles Krauthammer the other day noting that on a host of issues -- everything from gay marriage to marijuana laws -- American opinion is moving left. But on this one issue it is moving right. The technology we have today that lets us see clearly what is in the womb makes it harder to view the unborn baby as a mere blob of tissue.


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