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The train wreck, she is here

The Congressional Budget Office makes plain what we all knew about Obamacare:

Now the CBO is saying is that in 10 years, about the same number of people will lack insurance as before. This, after new expenditures of as much as $2 trillion and a colossal disruption of the US medical system.

If that’s not startling enough, there’s also the telling projection about ObamaCare’s impact on employment — “a decline in the number of full-time-equivalent workers of about 2.0 million in 2017, rising to about 2.5 million in 2024.”

And this is the response from the White House:

The White House hastened to do damage control yesterday, and the “senior official” who did the background briefing for reporters said a shocking thing: The projected decline in work is good news.

“It reflects the fact that workers have a new set of options and are making the best choices that they can choose to make for themselves given those options,” the official said.

Got that? Spending $2 trillion to no effect and throwing millions of full-time workers under the part-time bus is a good thing. Like Nancy Pelosi said, we'll have an economy full of people able to get health care while pursuing their creative dreams. Their choices, but we get the bill.

I swear you can't make this stuff up. I have written that it became impossible to parody TV when it started doing it itself with "The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island." I think we're at that beyond-parody point for massive government programs the perpetrators have to defend with such weasely words that they know can't be believed even as they say them.











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