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So's your old man

This kind of politics got tiresome a long time ago:

The blue and black designer dress that fist lady Michelle Obama wore to Tuesday's state dinner for the French president reportedly cost between $10,000 and $12,000, according to news media, which is more than the median annual household income worldwide of &9,733, and greater than the median income for households in at least 87 countries, according to data from Gallup.

It's as predictable as the sun coming up in the east -- whenever a new president is elected, those of the political opposition will start criticizing his lavish lifestyle. Would you believe that Democrats made the same sort of criticisms of Nancy Reagan that Republicans are now making of Michelle Obama? And, wai, George W. Bush played golf while American soldiers were dying in Iraq. Wait, wait. Barack Obama played golf while Obamacare fell apart. And all those vacations he takes! Well, what about all thsoe vacations Ronald Reagan took?

This is just silly tu quoquery. A certain number of perks come with the presidency, and you'd have to be an idiot not to take advantage of them. There are plenty of things to criticize a president for -- oh, like his policies.

But I must admit I like this, just for the novelty and the wicked spite:

One Illinois Republican lawmaker has asked the White House and the Obama’s to stop being “hypocrites” and practice what they preach about nutrition.

Tuesday night’s glutton-fest of a White House state dinner for French President François Hollande was the perfect example of why U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis has introduced legislation that would require official White House meals to follow the same USDA mandated guidelines for school lunch and breakfast programs.

[. . .]

The Washington Times reported that the meal served to guests at Tuesday’s dinner ran an estimated 2,500 calories, “which is almost three times as much as what the first lady and the USDA allow our school kids to eat in the school lunch program,” Davis said. It’s “the height of hypocrisy.”

blue and black designer dress that first lady Michelle Obama wore to Tuesday’s state dinner for the French president reportedly cost between $10,000 and $12,000, according to news media, which is more than the median annual household income worldwide of $9,733, and greater than the median income for households in at least 87 countries, according to data from - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/mrctv-blog/michael-w-chapman/michelle-s-12000-dress-cost-more-median-yearly-household-income#sthash.r2o2ssrs.dpuf
blue and black designer dress that first lady Michelle Obama wore to Tuesday’s state dinner for the French president reportedly cost between $10,000 and $12,000, according to news media, which is more than the median annual household income worldwide of $9,733, and greater than the median income for households in at least 87 countries, according to data from - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/mrctv-blog/michael-w-chapman/michelle-s-12000-dress-cost-more-median-yearly-household-income#sthash.r2o2ssrs.dpuf


The blue and black designer dress that first lady Michelle Obama wore to Tuesday’s state dinner for the French president reportedly cost between $10,000 and $12,000, according to news media, which is more than the median annual household income worldwide of $9,733, and greater than the median income for households in at least 87 countries, according to data from Gallup. - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/mrctv-blog/michael-w-chapman/michelle-s-12000-dress-cost-more-median-yearly-household-income#sthash.r2o2ssrs.dpuf

The blue and black designer dress that first lady Michelle Obama wore to Tuesday’s state dinner for the French president reportedly cost between $10,000 and $12,000, according to news media, which is more than the median annual household income worldwide of $9,733, and greater than the median income for households in at least 87 countries, according to data from Gallup. - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/mrctv-blog/michael-w-chapman/michelle-s-12000-dress-c...

The blue and black designer dress that first lady Michelle Obama wore to Tuesday’s state dinner for the French president reportedly cost between $10,000 and $12,000, according to news media, which is more than the median annual household income worldwide of $9,733, and greater than the median income for households in at least 87 countries, according to data from Gallup. - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/mrctv-blog/michael-w-chapman/michelle-s-12000-dress-cost-more-median-yearly-household-income#sthash.r2o2ssrs.dpuf


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