Holy cow. Is it possible someone in the Obama administration is actually going to held accountable for something?
Earlier today, embattled VA Secretary Eric Shinseki’s schedule got shifted abruptly to include a 10 am face-to-face meeting with President Barack Obama. Even before the meeting started, the White House announced that Obama would have a statement for the press 45 minutes after Shinseki arrives at his office:
[. ..]
There doesn’t appear to be much mystery any longer. Scheduling a statement about a meeting before it takes place provides a strong indication that the meeting’s outcome has already been determined. The New York Times readout of White House activity also makes it sound as though Obama has decided to make changes at the top of the VA:
The difference between this scandal and others seems to be that there is bipartisan outrage rather than what is perceived as mere Republican carping. I don't know how many people are really upset over the shabby treatment of the nation's veterans and how many are just posturing because it doesn't look good to deman the warriors we have asked to sacrifice for the country.
UPDATE: Silly me. What the hell was I thinking?
I just met with Secretary Shinseki and Rob Nabors, who I temporarily assigned to work with Secretary Shinseki and the VA, and we focused on two issues: the allegations of misconduct at Veterans Affairs facilities and our broader mission of caring for our veterans and their families.
[. . .]
Second, I want to know the full scope of this problem, and that's why I ordered Secretary Shinseki to investigate. Today he updated me on his review, which is looking not just at the Phoenix facility but also VA facilities across the nation. And I expect preliminary results from that review next week.
Wow, "preliminary results" from "a review." I feel so much better now.