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Charlotte's future

This is what online "journalism" has come to. Politico asks a bunch of astrologers to chart the future of Chelsea Clinton's new baby girl:

Leading astrologers say that Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky is destined for a future working on social justice and will enjoy a strong relationship with her proud grandparents, Hillary and Bill.

After Chelsea Clinton and Mark Mezvinsky’s daughter was born at 7:03 pm at Lenox Hill Hospital on Manhattan’s Upper East Side on Friday, POLITICO asked astrologers to weigh in on what is written in the stars for the former first daughter’s first daughter.

“She may not follow her family’s politics, but she will follow the family’s activism and social justice and finding a way to serve the world, following in that community organizing path and picking up the roots of her grandparents,”said Ophira Edut, of the AstroTwins and co-author of the book “Momstrology: The AstroTwins’ Guide to Parenting your Little One by the Stars.”

This is all printed in a no-nonsense, straightforward way, with nary a hint that the writer is having a little fun with readers, no, wink-wink, nudge-nudge sense of the absurd. I suppose I shouldn't be too judgmental, since newspapers (including ours) have run horoscopes forever. And I know that some people do take them seriously, even if we protest that, hey, we're just running them for fun. But, still, this is really over the top.

Wow. she's going to "serve the world." Get the throne and crown ready, I guess. Astrologers have to be goofy to do their jobs. Now we know the awulf, truth: They're goofy liberals.


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