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Petard. Her own. Hoist by.

Oops! Chelsea Clinton loved Patricia Arrquette's Oscar speech about equal pay for women. Maybe she should talk to her mother, who, it turns out, had a slight problem in that area:

Hillary Clinton portrays herself as a champion of women in the workforce, but women working for her in the U.S. Senate were paid 72 cents for each dollar paid to men, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis of her Senate years’ salary data.

During those years, the median annual salary for a woman working in Clinton’s office was $15,708.38 less than the median salary for a man, according to the analysis of data compiled from official Senate expenditure reports.

Pure schadenfreude on my part, of course. Liberals have been throwing out that 72 cents on the dollar (although I think it's up to 78 now) nonsense for years without acknowledging the complexities of wage compensation, so it's gratifying to see one of them called out for pay discrimination.

Ann Althouse has a slightly less venemous reaction that I liked:

I'm sure she can explain that based on things like education, seniority, and experience, but the problem is that's the explanation that undercuts the whole equal pay agenda. 


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