Here's hoping that the next leader of the IPCC will welcome scientific criticism and emphasize information and decisionmaking transparency.
Yeah, well, good luck with that.
One of 'em finally admits it -- climate change is a religion:
IPCC Chair Pachauri forced out at UN climate panel after sexual harassment complaint
Pachauri's resignation letter on religion: 'For me the protection of Planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission. It is my religion and my dharma.'UN IPCC critic Journalist Donna Laframboise responds: 'Yes, the IPCC – which we’re told to take seriously because it is a scientific body producing scientific reports – has, in fact, been led by an environmentalist on a mission. By someone for whom protecting the planet is a religious calling.
And when you believe, you believe, and no one can shake your faith. Skepticism is not allowed, as noted by Ronald Bailey at Hit & Run:
Pachauri has been critiized by many for righteously confusing climate change science with climate policy advocacy. For example, in its 2010 review of IPCC processes, the InterAcademy Council observed:
[. . .]
Here's hoping that the next leader of the IPCC will welcome scientific criticism and emphasize information and decisionmaking transparency.
Yeah, well, good luck with that.