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Blind leading the blind

Apparently, it's a bad idea to change the currency so that the blind can tell one denomination from another -- even the National Federation of the Blind agrees:

The blind are a minority. Though it is crucial that minorities have a voice in society, it is also the responsibility of every minority to use that voice wisely and not to cry discrimination when no discrimination has occurred. The blind of America will fight discrimination wherever we find it, but we will not do so by falsely portraying ourselves as victims and engaging in frivolous litigation.

But it is important that the blind not be deprived of their ability to hunt:

AUSTIN, Texas - The blind would be able to go hunting if a Texas bill becomes law.

The bill would allow legally blind hunters to use a laser sight, or lighted pointing instrument, which is forbidden for sighted hunters, according to State Rep. Edmund Kuempel, who introduced it.

Funny world.

Posted in: Current Affairs


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