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Cheap trick

This is downright silly, and more than a little cheesy:

Paul’s campaign released a video Tuesday that shows the GOP presidential candidate bashing the complexities of the tax code and finding various ways to “kill it.”

As a guitar version of the “Star Spangled Banner” plays, Paul feeds printed pages of the tax code into a wood chipper, slashes the pages with a chainsaw and lights the paper on fire.
 “Hey, I’m Rand Paul and I’m trying to kill the tax code, all 70,000 pages of it,” Paul says at the start of the video, wearing a t-shirt that reads “Detroit Republican."
I mean, it has all the class of a sleazy used-car ad, the ones with the oily guy swinginbg an axe who says he's gonna slash those prices or a sledgehammer with which he's going to knock out the competition. Cheap theatrics, Rand. I once said I'd like to see him in the final four after the GOP field is winnowed down (along with Rubio, Cruz and Walker). Not sure about that now. I'm now sure he can (or wants to) break out of his libertarian niche. I'm guessing Jeb Bush will end up in the final group, but I hope not. I'm liking Carly Fiorina more and more.


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