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Prescription for change

When Indiana is one of only two states refusing to go to daylight-saving time, we can have fun arguing about it. Some can even claim that we're merely iconoclastic mavericks, not backward-looking obstructionists who never want to give up "the way it's always been." But what about being the only state still refusing to let physician assistants write prescriptions, even in a time of medically underserved areas and looming doctor shortages?

When patients cannot get in to see a doctor for three or four months, they are increasingly going to use urgent-care and store-front clinics, Pritchard said, noting PAs and nurse practitioners can ease the “looming physician shortage crisis.”

Some doctors fear midlevel providers are “dumbing down” the medical profession. Dr. John Wernert, past president of the Indianapolis Medical Society, wrote in July a letter to IMS members titled: “Turf Wars

Posted in: Hoosier lore


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