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Greetings, fellow members of Economic Growth Region 3. The Indiana Department of Workforce Development has released a listing of the 50 fastest-growing high-wage jobs for each of the state's 11 regions in the 10-year period 2004-2014. Our top 10: registered nurses, postsecondary teachers, network systems and data communications analysts, elementary and kindergarten school teachers, dental hygienists, medical and health service managers, dentists, sales managers, family and general practicioners, surgeons.

Lawyers are on the list, naturally, as are plumbers, truck drivers, firefighters, dieticians, electricians and carpenters. Journalists, alas, are not. Lowest average salary: highway maintenance workers, $29,036. Highest: Surgeons, $190,668. Who knew? Lawyers come in at a paltry $72,586. Get out there and sue some doctors!

Posted in: Hoosier lore


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