When the state had the deer hunts, people protested. Now, officials say they have exhausted all non-lethal methods of dealing with Canada geese, so expect the protesters again:
The Coalition to Prevent the Destruction of Canada Geese, headquartered in New York, contends the public needs to know the real truth about Canada Geese; that humans and birds can get along.
The group's bumper stickers read, "Give geese a chance. Keep 'em flying, not dying!"
The coalition accuses park managers, wildlife biologists, hunters and (ouch!) outdoors columnists of misinforming the public by saying the only way to solve the problem is by lethal means.
Any day, there will be protest marches outside stores that sell ant and mouse traps. Surely we can catch and release all those critters in another county. I have suggested previously that secondhand smoke might be a more humane way than present practices to enforce capital punishment. That wouldn't work for geese, though, unless we could figure out a way to get them all into a tavern in New Haven. We could, however, put out food for them laced with trans fats, there being so much more available after the state fair's ban.