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A capital crime

tHiS SeeMs lIKe tHe RiGhT dEcIsiOn:

Larry Cochran will never get the chance to face LARRY COCHRAN in court.

In a bizarre twisting of the notion of "capital" crimes, federal drug defendant Larry Cochran has apparently begun to annoy the judge presiding over his case.

Hoping to take advantage of a common practice of listing parties' names in legal filings using all capital letters, Cochran last month filed a lawsuit against the "fictional" LARRY COCHRAN whose name appeared in an indictment for drug dealing.

"Who is this (defendant) fictitious entity (LARRY COCHRAN)?" Cochran queried in his motion. "How can the Plaintiff (Cochran) a real live flesh and blood man, be an involuntary party ... to an action and/or claim involving ... fictitious and artificial entities?"

U.S. Judge James Moody, who also is presiding over Cochran's criminal case and the flurry of similar motions, letters and requests Cochran has filed from his cell in the Metropolitan Correction Center in Chicago, dismissed the case.

A frviolous lawsuit by a drug defendant? What's this world coming to?


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