Well, can't argue with this headline at slate.com: "Obama may or may not clinch the nomination next week":
Obama may or may not reach the 2,025 mark for winning the overall nomination by Tuesday. If not, he'll be very close.
The odds on everthing in the world are 50-50, aren't they? It will rain tomorrow, or it won't. The presidential campaign will make sense tomorrow, or it won't.
I know the political obituary on Hillary Clinton has already been written but she just won't accept it. They keep driving the stake in, but they keep missing the heart. Are there others besides me still holding their breath? I keep thinking about that last scene from "Carrie." (A fascinating bit of "Carrie" trivia: "In the second-to-last scene (where Amy Irving lays flowers on Carrie's grave) to make it more 'eerie,' the shot was filmed backwards - then run in reverse in slo-mo - to give it a surreal effect. This is evidenced by a background automobile traversing the perpendicular intersection backwards, which the viewer can clearly observe as driving in reverse.")