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Good learning environment

I frequently criticize the ACLU of Indiana, so it's only fair to give them credit when it's due. Remember Keith John Sampson, the IUPUI student employee who was brought up on racial harassment charges for daring to read a book that his colleagues didn't think he should be reading in front of him? The school backed down after all the embarrassing publicity but not in a way that admitted any wrongdoing. In fact, it sort of hinted that Sampson had better watch it in the future. "If the conduct  was intended to cause disruption to the work environment," said a letter from IUPUI's Affirmative Action Officer, "such behavior would be subject to action by the Univeristiy. Because I cannot draw any final conclusion in this instance, no such adverse disciplinary action has been or will be taken with the circumstances at hand."

But public outrage continued to grow, chiefly because of pressure from the ACLU and the group FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education). Eventually, the university relented and apologized. In a letter to FIRE, IUPUI's chancellor said he regretted the incident took place. And:

IUPUI is committed to ensuring that its future approach to such matters is consistent with and affirms the long-standing commitment of this campus to the principles of freedom of expression, lifelong learning, and respect for the rights of all members of the IUPUI community.

Good job. One down, all the rest to go.

Posted in: Hoosier lore


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