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Not to be

This is disappointing, but it's no great shock, is it?

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said on Sunday he would not hold another debate with rival Hillary Clinton until after the May 6 nominating contests in North Carolina and Indiana.

Unless something drastically alters the political landscape, I don't know why he'd have another one even after May 6. He doesn't do especially well in them, and, being so far ahead, he has everything to lose and nothing to gain. Calling for a debate or more debates is what the one who is losing does.

I've heard some commentators say ducking further debates will hurt Obama with superdelegates, who will start worrying about how he'll handle debates with John McCain. But unless Clinton catches Obama in delegate count (all but impossible) or the popular vote (not impossible but very difficult), the superdelegates have to go with the voters, unless they want to see a revolt in their party that will give the election to McCain.


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