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Mike and Evan

I would have said Evan Bayh is no Mike Pence, but he's sounding pretty good.

Here's Pence, responding to calls for him to back off from his no-pork pledge

Pence said this year he won't request money for projects in his Muncie-area district be included in next year's federal budget. Most spending bills include money for “earmarks,” which are specific projects identified by individual lawmakers.

He said he was fed up with the way Congress handled the requests in last year's spending bills. Last year, Pence sought $55.7 million for 26 projects in his district, including money to upgrade police radios, pay for sewer projects, underwrite street improvements on the Ball State and Anderson university campuses, buy municipal buses and buy land for an expansion of Camp Atterbury.

Ahd here is Bayh, responding to groups asking him to end his opposition to a federal budget resolution that would restore spending for programs that aid working families:

Bayh has said he opposed the Senate budget resolution because of the rising federal debt and nearly $17 billion last year spent on congressional pet projects known as earmarks, among other reasons. He said he supports so-called "pay as you go" budget rules that require new spending to be supported by new revenues.

Bayh said he supports federal programs to help working families but cannot support a budget resolution "unless a real effort is made to eliminate earmarks and wasteful spending elsewhere in the budget."

Way to go, Evan. You're no Mark Souder.


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