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Polls apart

Ah, election polls -- gotta love 'em. Here's a story from yesterday:

New poll numbers show one candidate gaining ground. Senator Hillary Clinton has nearly doubled her lead over Democratic rival Barack Obama according to a new poll released by Survey U.S.A.

The former First Lady has a commanding 16 point lead over Obama.

Just two weeks ago, a poll conducted by the same group showed Clinton with a 9 point lead.

And here's another one:

With the Indiana primary just a few weeks ago, a recent shift in the poll numbers show Obama with a narrow edge in the Hoosier state.

The Associated Press released Tuesday the latest numbers for Indiana, which show Obama ahead by 5 percentage points.

The Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg telephone poll of 687 voters, completed Tuesday, shows his 40 percent edging out Clinton's 35 percent of voters. The poll also found 19 percent undecided, according to the AP.

They report, you decide!


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