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Not a good year for the inevitable

The Indianapolis Star's Matthew Tully likes Jill Long Thompson's chances:

At the start, Schellinger got support from the likes of Mayor Bart Peterson (before he was tossed from office) and U.S. Rep. Julia Carson (before she died, of course). Indiana Democratic Party honchos claimed neutrality, but behind the scenes they backed Schellinger. Some even went to work for him.

Many Democratic insiders saw in Schellinger the handsome and friendly face of a man who could raise millions through his business and political contacts, as well as a guy who could bring business credentials to the campaign. Kind of like Daniels -- only less threatening.

In the end, Democrats got an aggressive, disciplined and tough candidate for governor. But here's the funny thing: It isn't Schellinger. A month before the May 6 primary, it's fair to say former U.S. Rep. Jill Long Thompson has emerged as the better Democratic candidate.

Someone whose candidacy was supposed to be inevitable, taken on and surpassed by an upstart who ran circles around a complacent establishment. Sounds a lot like another Democratic race, doesn't it?


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