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Bad sign

Welcome to our city -- the school superintendent sucks!

Billboards can be helpful to visitors to a community, but Mayor Chuck Oberlie is sure a billboard on U.S. 20, between Skip's Cascade Mountain and Swan Lake Memorial Gardens, is not so helpful.

"MCAS teachers have NO confidence in their Superintendent, Michael Harding," it proclaims in huge white letters on a black background. The billboard was paid for by the Michigan City Education Association.

[. . .]

Both Oberlie and Tim Bietry, president of the Michigan City Area Chamber of Commerce (and a former MCAS principal) say the billboard is not a healthy greeting for those driving into or through the community.

Ever gotten into an argument and gone one step too far, said one thing too many? This looks like that to me. Even after the two sides reach an agreement, this sign will be remembered with bitterness by the school system.

Posted in: Hoosier lore


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