Politics can be a fun beat to cover sometimes:
GREENWOOD, Ind. -- State Sen. Brent Waltz has filed a complaint with Greenwood police accusing political opponent Michael Beeles of "possible stalking, voyeurism and trespass.''
The complaint, filed late Saturday, comes on the heels of Beeles' complaint to the Indiana Election Commission saying Waltz does not live in a Greenwood condominium which he lists as his official residence.
Beeles plans to run against Waltz for the Republican primary election for Indiana Senate District 36.
Greenwood police said that in the complaint, Waltz said "he recently became aware of a person who has reportedly followed Waltz'' in trying to determine whether the senator actually lived in the condomium in the Greenwood Maples complex off Madison Avenue in Greenwood.
"Trespass," OK, but "voyeurism" and "stalking" are a bit over the top. I seem to remember a controversy over a certain state legislator from around here and whether he really lived in Indianpolis and just kept an apartment here for show. I think most of our legislators start losing touch a little with their districts the minute they get elected; it's only natural -- everything they do is centered in Indianapolis.