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Mac attack

John McCain finally made it to Indiana -- at least to the Indianapolis airport:

McCain spent much of his 20-minute speech attacking Obama's policies, arguing that Obama would raise taxes and increase spending.

"I'm not going to spend $750 billion of your money bailing out Wall Street bankers and brokers who got us into this mess. Senator Obama will," he said.

Isn't that money already spent, and didn't McCain and Obama both vote to spend it? What in the world is he talking about? Nothing, really, it's just political babble.

It's understandable that McCain would want to curse fate about now. Does anybody remember that at the beginning of September, this race was essentially tied? The rule is that if the electorate is unhappy about the economy, the party that holds the White House loses. So Obama was already favored by circumstances, but McCain might still have been able to pull it off. Then the financial meltdown happened -- Wall Street collapsed right on top of McCain, as more than one observer has put it -- and McCain's fate was sealed. But rewriting such recent history is a bit much, even allowing for the expected excesses of campaign oratory.


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