I'm reminded of Woody Allen for some reason:
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- "Sexploration at IU," a weeklong series of events that offer Indiana University students information about sexuality related issues in a fun, interactive and positive way, begins on the IU Bloomington campus on Monday (Oct. 20). The event is sponsored by the IU Health Center's Health & Wellness Department.
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"It is true that a lot of sexual health education is disease-based and, unfortunately, fear-based. What 'Sexploration at IU' can do is make essential information accessible, interactive, less scary and more fun. You reach your audience in a different way. You show them that sexuality, in all its various manifestations, should be respected and celebrated, not feared."
OK, class, what was the great line from "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex"? Is sex dirty? Only if it's done right.
Is it fair that we had to deal with sex as a disease-based experience of fear and today they get to celebrate it in a "fun and positive" way? I demand a do-over!