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All worked up and no place to go

I don't believe this for a single instant:

As Congress prepares to vote on a proposed economic rescue plan, opposition to the measure has declined significantly. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey conducted Sunday found that 33% of Likely Voters now favor the plan while 32% are opposed and 35% are not sure.

For proponents of the legislation, that's a significant improvement. On Friday, just 24% of voters had supported the plan while 50% were opposed. Supporters of the legislation argue the plan to buy up bad mortgage debt from private firms is the surest way to free up credit for all Americans.

Most improvement in the "acceptance" of the bailout plan probably comes from a feeling of resignation. More and more people I talk to have come to the conclusion that the government is going to do exactly what it wants to no matter what people think or say, so what's the point of getting all worked up about it? This is a dangerous attitude for a republic.


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