It is true that the old press (mainstream media, legacy media, whatever) absoultely tanked on the John Edwards story. Whether it's because of liberal bias, a death wish, sheer incompetence or some other reason is being vigorously debated elsewhere. But the Clinton people are making just a tad too much of it:
Sen. Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic presidential nominee if John Edwards had been caught in his lie about an extramarital affair and forced out of the race last year, insists a top Clinton campaign aide, making a charge that could exacerbate previously existing tensions between the camps of Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama.
The Democrats have who they picked, and it's not likely their choice would have been any different, no matter how much fun it is to play the "what if" game. The party faithful didn't give a damn about Bill Clinton's indiscretions -- why would they care about Edwards'? (Think about that for a moment or too, Hillary.) To paraphrase a member of the current administration, we go to a presidential election with the candidates we have, not the candidates we wish we had.