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Hell's waiting

This week's nominees for the Eighth Circle of Hell (the Seventh is for the merely violent:

Indianapolis police have received reports that one or more people have been going door to door in Indianapolis soliciting money for an injured officer

Lt. Jeff Duhamell, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department spokesman, said Sunday that police had taken several calls during the weekend from residents reporting such solicitations. He said IMPD has not endorsed any such collection and advised residents to call police.

IMPD Patrolman Jason A. Fishburn, 29, was shot in the head July 10 while chasing a man subsequently charged in connection with three recent homicides. He remains in critical condition at Wishard Memorial Hospital.

Give money to people and causes you select. Don't trust people who just show up at your door.

(I myself belong in Level 6 -- the City of Dis -- reserved for heretics, according to the Dante's Inferno Test, although Levels 2 and 3, for the lustful and gluttonous, were apparently tied for a close secod. Test yourself, if you dare.)



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