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Bad dogs

How often do we have to point out that whenever there is a bad dog, there is most likely a bad owner? This clown wants the officer punished and the city to pay his vet bill:

When Elwood reserve officer Gary Cole arrived, he said the dog jumped on his police car, and charged at him.

 "I was scared. You got an animal charging at you, you don't have a lot of time to think," Cole said. "He wasn't there to shake my hand. He was barking with teeth showing."

 Cole fired at the dog, striking it in the ear, he said. He then put the dog back inside the home.

 Mickle was cited for having a public nuisance, having a vicious dog and failing to restrain his pet. He plead not guilty to the charges, but told Thomas he wants Cole punished, and for the city to pay the $330 veterinarian bill.

 "He didn't have to shoot the dog to corral it," Mickle said. "He's a dog catcher. That's not the first way to do things, to just shoot the dog. They got nooses, tranquilizers and all other stuff."

Yeah, call for the nooses and tranquilizers  while the dog is charging with teeth bared. Sounds reasonable, does't it?


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