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After hearing the explanation for why Fort Wayne isn't part of "official" high-speed rail plans, I feel much better:

Recently released federal train-route maps do not include Fort Wayne as a stop, but Harnish said those maps were completed hastily and should not be considered accurate.

Geoff Paddock, of Northeast Indiana Passenger Rail Association, said studies have shown it would be quicker for train routes from Chicago to eastern cities to travel through Fort Wayne than through more northern cities like South Bend.

We're talking about getting a piece of an $8 billion federal allocation for use on a 3,000-mile Midwest network it is estimated will cost about $7.7 billion, and we're dealing with "hastily completed paperwork" that "might not be accurate"? Whew. Guess "close enough for government work" isn't just a funny saying.

In the story, Spain native Baudilio Teherina says he is used to the high-speed trains throughout Europe and wonders why there isn't a similar system in the U.S.. Well, gee, let's think about that one. In Europe, millions of people live


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