You probably like our Main Street. In fact, you might even think our Main Street is pretty hot stuff. Vehicles can move back and forth on it. Pedestrians can stroll beside it on sidewalks, even cross it! There are storefronts facing it that people can go inside. What more could we possibly ask of a Main Street? Well, it's not accredited, for goodness sake:
Jeffersonvill Main Street Inc., a nonprofit organization focused on the revitalization of downtown Jeffersonville, Ind., has received accreditation as a National Main Street program from the National Trust's Main Street Center.
To achieve the accreditation, Jeffersonville Main Street had to meet criteria such as public support, historic preservation ethic, an active board of directors, a comprehensive work plan, a paid professional director and reporting of economic progress, the organization said in a news release.
Bet you can't wait to go to Jeffersonville now and see what a real Main Street, with public support and a paid director, looks like.