With swine H1NI flu sucking up all the news space, let's not forget to pause and observe another newsorthy event -- a milestone, even -- from this week:
Congress signed off on President Obama's $3.6 trillion budget largely along party lines Wednesday night, handing him a legislative victory that paves the way for a health care overhaul.
Years from now, everyone will look back on the passage of that budget as a seminal moment. Of what -- you fill in the blank.
Oh, and this just in:
Millions of Americans enjoying their small windfall from President Barack Obama's "Making Work Pay" tax credit are in for an unpleasant surprise next spring.
The government is going to want some of that money back.
The tax credit is supposed to provide up to $400 to individuals and $800 to married couples as part of the massive economic recovery package enacted in February. Most workers started receiving the credit through small increases in their paychecks in the past month.
But new tax withholding tables issued by the IRS could cause millions of taxpayers to get hundreds of dollars more than they are entitled to under the credit, money that will have to be repaid at tax time.