Oh, lookee! The FBI is out trying to catch of those nasty right-wing terrorists Janet Napolitanao warned us about:
Joining the ranks of Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the FBI has added animal rights extremist Daniel Andreas San Diego to its “Most Wanted Terrorists” list, becoming only the second American citizen and the only domestic terrorist to ever appear on the list.
Federal agents say they have evidence that ties San Diego to bombing two Bay Area firms in 2003, a biotechnology firm, and at Shaklee Corp., a nutrition and cosmetics company. The explosions caused minor damages and no injuries.
What is an animal-rights "extremist"? Can someone even believe animals have rights and still be mainstream? Oh, well, no matter, since I've gone and lost the office pool. I bet that an environmental nut would be the first domestic terrorist to make the most-wanted list.
Here's today's quiz. The story doesn't mention who the other American on the list is. Who is it?
Answer: Adam Yahiye Gadahn, who grew up in California and is wanted for his work overseas as a translator and consultant for al Qaida. He is believed to be in Pakistan.