The federal government keeps raising the standards for schools, which means more and more schools will fail to meet the standards. A reasonable query:
That raises questions of whether otherwise good schools are held to unreasonable standards or whether those standards will push schools to achieve more than they thought they could.
Perhaps a clue to the answer can be found in the standards themselves:
Under the federal law, schools will have to meet an increasingly higher target of students passing state standardized tests until 2014, when schools will be listed as failing unless 100 percent of students pass the tests.
No Child Left Behind was a stupid law because "no child left behind" is an impossible standard. Saying "100 percent of students must pass" is just a sterner way of saying the same thing. NCLB was one of the many ways George W. Bush failed conservatives, and he unfortunately left something behind for Democrats to "imporve." The act wasn't fully funded, you see, so if we just spend more on it, everything will be OK!