The Indy Star has an interesting story about the new bait car Indianapolis Police are going to be using, which is a pretty cool way to get would-be car thieves off the street without chasing them through neighborhoods at 100 mph. This is the part that stopped me:
A Suzuki Grand Vitara SUV was used for a demonstration during Tuesday's ceremony at the City-County Building, but another car will be used as the real bait. The insurance company
and IMPD won't reveal the make or model that will be used as bait, but older cars are the most frequently stolen in Indiana.
While the Cadillac Escalade is the most frequently stolen car around the U.S., according to some insurance statistics, Indiana's most stolen vehicles are the 1990 Chevrolet full-size pickup truck and the 1999 Ford Taurus, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau.
A 1990 Chevy pickup and a 1999 Taurus? Our thieves aren't even ambitious enough to look for newer, pricier cars? Lock the lazy bums up before they give our criminal class a bad reputation.