There may be a worse name that could have been chosen for this fast-growing sport, but, offhand, I can't think of what it would be:
The World Championship of Cornhole selection committee is pleased to announce that Evansville, Indiana has been chosen as the host city for the World Championship of Cornhole IV. The announcement was officially made Friday, March 27, on ESPN Radio's Dan Egierski show on WFYX in Evansville. The two-day event will take place September 5-6, 2009, at Evansville's Metro Sports Center.
Already up to the Cornhole World Championship IV? Who knew? For the unenlightened (the story doesn't bother to explain) the game involves tossing a corn-filled beanbag (now, there's a contradiction for you) into a hole in a board. Some exciting fun there, huh? The reigning champs, by the way, are the Bombers of Cincinnati, Ohio. Yes, the Cornhole Bombers.