Apparently, remanufacturers of military brass will no longer be able to buy surplus brass from the Department of Defense. Now, all brass ammunition will have to be shredded and sold as scrap. Some ammunition manufacturers say this will really reduce their output, and lots of gun enthusiasts see it as the Obama administration's first volley in the war against the Second Amendment:
It is an end-run around Congress. They don't need to try to ban guns--they don't need to fight a massive battle to attempt gun registration, or limit "assault" weapon sales.
Nope. All they have to do is limit the amount of ammunition available to the civilian market, and when bullets dry up, guns will be useles.
[. . .]
You can expect this to affect every bullet you purchase in the future--with no reloaded ammunition available, the already strained new manufacturers will be unable to meet demand. They are already turning out everything they can build for the military market. The civilian market is stressed to the point even reloading components have become hard to find.
I'm not into the gun culture enough to know what, if anything, this all means. But my brother in Texas, who sent me the link, is a gun enthusiast and says it is already getting "harder and harder to get ammo for the guns we do own." Something to watch, anyway.