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Transparency and responsibility alert

Oh, this is rich:

Speaking in the East Room of the White House to more than 70 mayors, President Obama cautioned them about wasteful spending.

"I want to be clear about this:  we cannot tolerate business as usual, not in Washington, not in our State Capitols, not in America's cities and towns," he said.  "We will use the new tools that the Recovery Act gives us to watch the taxpayers' money with more rigor and transparency than ever."

How can anybody listen to such nonsense without falling on the floor in helpless laughter? And this just in:

Calling on lenders and homeowners alike to "step back and take responsibility," President Obama announced some specific steps to address the nation's foreclosure crisis, a $75 billion plan that he said is "a price well worth paying."

But you're making that call as part of a plan that rewards irresponsibility.


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